When looking at architecture projects, people usually focus on the architecture itself, wondering how the city will change. Will it be smarter? Will it be greener? So Cliché tries to answer the same questions, but shifting the focus on something that usually goes unnoticed in architecture renders: the people.
What kind of people inhabit the city of the future? What do they look like? What do they do? To answer that, we analyzed the society from future projects in Milan and divided it into different clichés, inviting you to take a look at what the city of the future will look like.
What kind of people inhabit the city of the future? What do they look like? What do they do? To answer that, we analyzed the society from future projects in Milan and divided it into different clichés, inviting you to take a look at what the city of the future will look like.
Why clichés? Everyone loves a good cliché. From running to the airport to win your soulmate back to the classic Milan businessman who can only think about “fatturare” (making money). Architects are no different, they are human too and they love clichés, which is why when populating their renders they use them so much.
Why focusing on people? People in renders are like movie extras. They are considered part of the background, and maybe you are not even sure about what they do, but they are absolutely essential in the grand scheme of things. But just like extras, you would surely notice if people were missing in renders, since they would feel empty and lifeless. The aim of our project is to bring the focus on these people, and to make them the A-listers rather than the extras of the situation.

Which projects are included? As of now, So Cliché includes twelve different projects, all of them in the city of Milan. They were chosen for their charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent but most of all because of their communication as “green” projects.
Eight of them are the winners of C40 Reinventing Cities, a competition with the goal of guaranteeing a better and greener future for cities all around the world.
The other four may not be the winners of an international competition, but we still love them the same. They are green and innovative projectes nontheless, and they still deserve to be included.